Sex is one of our basic needs, and everybody wants it. Can you find a single person who doesn’t want sex?
Of course, there are few people like yogis, celibates, and asexuals who claim/feel that they don’t need sex. They are above sex, or sex does not affect them. I am not talking about those people now.
I am discussing average people, like you and me, who need sex and who enjoy watching nude bodies. It’s natural to humans, and humans enjoy it. Humans like sex, and sex is a basic physical and psychological need. Nearly everybody enjoys sex.
If this is true, then why should I oppose porn?
This is a good question.
I oppose porn because porn is nothing but simulated pleasure. Porn stimulates our senses to provide continuous sensual pleasure to a superlative degree. Porn is not truly sex, even if it fulfills our sexual needs, it’s just prolonged visual and mental stimulation. Experiencing this visual stimulation and pleasure for prolonged time creates lot of damages, both physical and psychological.
One of the examples of physical damage is “brain damage”, which I discussed in a previous article.
Another example of psychological damage is isolation. A porn addict gets pleasure from porn, and thus they figure they do not need pleasure from outside, and as such they avoid others and the outside world. Living in isolation for a prolonged time creates psychological problems.
Some people oppose porn by labelling it as a sin. I don’t do that. I don’t know whether porn is sin or not. But, I know one thing for sure. It’s not good, and it deteriorates the quality of our lives. It becomes a sort of silent enemy which prevents us from experiencing life in it’s true sense. In long run, living without porn is much rewarding than living with porn.
Another reason why I oppose porn is because of the damages it causes to vital urges of an individual.
Human vital urges and pornography
According to psychology, a person has two vital urges. One is survival, and the other is sex. Everybody is naturally driven towards survival and sex, and these two are mutually related.
If one gives more importance to sex, and spends more time devoted to it, his drive towards survival decreases. That’s why hedonistic people achieve less (in terms of money and security, hardworking people achieve more than hedonistic people).
To secure life, or to obtain money and resources for a secured life, one should have natural drive to obtain it. Otherwise, one will become too lazy to work hard. Anything which distorts the natural drive for survival will cost a lot to an individual in long run.
Porn distorts the urge for survival and security because it enhances the other drive, sex. Porn makes porn addicts forget about their survival urges by keeping them engaged with sexual happiness. Porn provides a way to escape from urges which require more effort, perseverance, and patience. Slowly, the “brain wiring” of the porn addict changes, and they permanently loses their natural drives pertaining to survival.
Passion and pornography
Porn also distorts an individual’s natural passion towards life. This is yet another serious damage caused by porn.
Sex gives us pleasure, and anything which gives us pleasure has an innate ability to deviate our attention from the things which are important, and also an innate ability to make us lazy. In addition, anything which gives pleasure has an innate ability to make us addicted to it.
An individual loses focus on the important things in life when they become addicted.
Each and every individual has a deep, innate “passion” for their fulfillment, which contributes to their “purpose of life”. Porn deviates these innate passions towards the sexual side, which is the other basic vital urge.
The porn industry always comes up with newer things (new actors/actresses or new bizarre acts) to keep porn addicts passionate and engaged in it.
For majority of porn addicts, porn gives more than a partner gives. Porn scenes show more than what can be performed with real spouses, and porn producers continue to produce it.
As humans, we all have passions. Passions are our vital urge. These passions motivate us to live. We need passions to live. Porn fulfills this need by giving “edgy acts”. Porn always shows us adventure, which fulfills our passions, but in a distorted way.
Porn makes us forget our other vital urges, which is our urge for survival and fulfillment. It distorts our basic “brain wiring”.
I suggest that you meditate about this and find your vital urges and passions, and keep your passions alive. Keeping your passion alive keeps-you-alive, “Truly alive”.
Click here to quit porn for sure!