The Golden Future

You maybe wondering about a life without porn. How sad would life be? If porn is the only thing that makes us happy, how can we live without it? By the end of the day, what we need is simply happiness and enjoyment.

Then why quit porn? In this boring life, the only thing that seems to be even a little bit exciting is porn. So, then, why should I quit it? Even if I quit, what is the alternative? What could possibly give as much joy as porn gives?

If I quit porn, what will my life be like? Does life get any better? Or will it be more boring than my current life?

The majority of porn addicts probably ask questions like these.
So, what would life be like without porn?

Life is a very beautiful experience; and there is always something vivid and new to discover. “New” is never ending. Unfortunately, however, only a few will ever experience it. Porn shows only a fraction of that joy, real life is much more potent. However, some people cannot find access to the real world.

Only courageous people can experience life and its “newness”. If one constantly experiences fresh, “new” things, then they will rarely be bored. Life will become an amazing journey, filled with many wonders, and many experiences. Life can become dazzling if one can fully experience the world. One will be grateful at the chance to experience the wonderful things this world contains.

You can tell when someone is living life to the fullest, it shows in their eyes.

However, if you observe, you can see that the majority of people lack this spark in their eyes. Looking at some people, you may think things like, “This guy just wants to die”. If you look at people closely, you see people who are angry at the world; they feel resentment and hatred towards the very earth they walk on. They may not admit this consciously, but unconsciously they are living in a hypothetical hell. You can learn all this just from the look in their eyes.

I have observed people who show these kinds of extreme, opposing traits. The major difference I found is nothing but the courage. Of course there are issues such as intelligence, patience, and what not, all which make a difference, but the main reason I found is nothing but courage.

Courage is not a thing that would make one run down to the street and challenge everyone there, actually, courage is nothing but positive trust towards oneself. Attaining trust is never easy, and requires wisdom. One must realize this and take actions accordingly.

One must try to eliminate negativity and trust on a positive level. As you become more and more positive, your trust level and courage will increase. Courage brings new opportunities to life, new wonders to life, and if you make courage a habit, life will become golden.

If life is golden, then porn will become completely insignificant.

Click here to find out how to quit porn for sure!

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