Foot warts are a type of warts that can be found at the bottom of the foot. A foot wart is about 1cm in diameter and is generally paler than the nearby skin. It has tiny black dots at the centre.
Foot warts have the tendency to group together into clusters. Because it is at the bottom of the foot, this type of wart is generally quite flat.
Sometimes it may cause pain because of the constant pressure exerted on them when walking. Further more, because of this constant pressure, it has the tendency to grow back inside the foot.
A foot wart is also known by the name of plantar wart. The medical name for this type of wart is 'verruca plantaris' or just 'verruca'.
The human papilloma virus or HPV causes foot warts. This virus is responsible also for other type of warts. The human papilloma virus can enter your skin from little cuts or scratches.
Unfortunately this virus is also contagious and so you may get foot warts from getting this virus from another individual. Objects that are touched by another individual that carries this virus may also be contagious.
The human papilloma virus dwells in wet and warm habitats. So bathrooms and swimming pool areas are excellent habitats for this virus. It is a good idea to take appropriate caution and as far as you can you may not walk bare footed in these areas.
Further more if you have this type of warts do not scratch it and then touch other parts of your body. Pay particular attention not to scratch it with your other foot since this may also increase the chance of getting a foot wart on your other foot as well.
There are many types of foot warts treatments that can help you to treat this type of wart. They include over the counter wart removal treatments, surgical wart removal treatment and home treatments for warts.
Different Types of Warts - What is a Foot Wart
Can Skin Moles Develop Into a Cancerous Growth

Are Your Warts, Moles Or Skin Tags Hurting Your Confidence?
Unfortunately today's society is quite a materialistic one and it nurtures in us an exaggerated importance on our appearance. A lot of programs and advertisements on television, internet, magazines and other written, audio and visual media make us believe that we have to be good looking to succeed in life. Good values are more and more being shown the back door.
This is however partly true. Industries are trying (and they are succeeding) to build exaggerated needs in all of us, so they can sell us their products. Intelligence, the ability to build mutual beneficial relationship with people, being able to attain the required skills for a successful career is much more important. All these will build your confidence.
However it is also true that your self-confidence will help you to build all these and much more. This is because your self-confidence is also related to your looks. Therefore it is important to take care of how you look.
Nevertheless you have to control yourself and remember that although being good looking is a plus point, you have to take it with a pinch of salt and remember that there are many other things that can help you to build your confidence and succeed in life.
So if you keep looking at the mirror and your eyes always fall on your wart, mole or skin tag, remember that most probably you are exaggerating and your wart, mole or skin tag is not so horrible as you might think.
However if you want to get rid of it, remember that there are many ways you can do so. But remember that although removing your wart, mole or skin tag will increase your self confidence, do not fall into the mistake to believe that being good looking by itself will solve all your problems.
Instead consider it is a plus point on your favor and as another way to build your confidence.
Find out how to FREE yourself from moles, warts or skin tags!
Acne No More Review
Acne No More is the #1 best selling acne ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason...
Thousands of women and men of every age have completely cured their acne condition and achieved lasting clear skin naturally, without drugs, over the counters, creams or "magic potions," simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing acne freedom guidebook.
Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author has not just pumped out yet another "acne cure program" into an already over-saturated market. Mike's Acne No More can be more accurately described as an "Acne Bible." It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to acne freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other clear skin publications on the market?
Well first of all, it's not just a "acne relief" or "skin care" program, it's a holistic acne cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "acne relief" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to stop and maintain your 'acne free internal environment'. Acne No More shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.
Secondly, what makes Acne No More different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to achieve permanent freedom from acne symptoms and from hormonal and toxic overload disorders. Acne No More not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about acne, blackheads, and hormonal health and inner balance ever written.
The Acne No More book is quite extensive (223 pages of rock solid content) which focuses on 100% natural acne treatment. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs with nasty side effects. In Acne No More core formula section (The 5 pillars) - Nothing is held back. In this section, Mike gives a detailed overview of each step, and then dives into the specifics in a perfect chronological order. There are also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program and follow it.
Because the Acne No More program is not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of acne and digestive disorders (regardless of their severity) and ensure your will permanently be acne-free, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work" says Mike, as he emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book.
If there is any drawback to the Acne No More ebook, it's that it contains so much information, that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a quick start type of acne program, might be a bit intimated at first. The good part however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.
Who will benefit most from Acne No More?
In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs to cure their acne and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Acne No More. This ebook is honestly for everyone. Even people without acne. This is a total health rejuvenation program better than 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.
In terms of graphic design, Acne No More is a clean and professionally formatted PDF e-book. It is well organized and ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your own home.
This impressive and unique publication has changed many lives and the hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories are found on the Acne No More website archives as proof.
The Bottom line?
Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to acne, anyone looking to be told fairy-tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", acne pills, over the counters, 'acne freedom in 3 days' hyped up programs should not waste his or her time with Acne No More.
On the other hand, anyone searching for the truth about acne and his natural inner balance and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve acne freedom, will find Acne No More to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. Click here to learn more about Mike Walden's Acne No More.
Accutane Side Effects Exposed: Side Effects of the Miracle Drug and the Alternative to Accutane
If you suffer from severe case of acne that has failed to respond to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, then your dermatologist may recommend the use of the popular Accutane or Isotretinoin. Accutane is a potent oral drug from Hoffman-LaRoche that has been proven highly effective for reducing acne symptoms dramatically after only one course of 15-20 weeks.
With its undoubting success at battling even the toughest cases of acne and ever-growing popularity among teens as a miracle drug, why is Accutane still considered the most controversial pharmaceutical on the market? The answer: a documented list of severe and sometimes permanent side effects.
Although some of the side effects associated with the use of Isotretinoin are mild and tolerable (dry lips, dry eyes, nosebleeds, extremely dry skin, increased sensitivity to the sun and thinning hair) there is in fact a long list of serious side effects that have been reported due to the use of Accuttane which persisted even after the drug therapy was stopped. Among those are: Severe aches and pains in the lower back and large joints, severe allergy reactions that include moderate rashes and difficulty to breath, vision problems, hearing loss, permanent liver damage, persistent migraines and headaches and skeletal hyperostosis which is an excessive bone growth that occurs along the sides of the spine.
But perhaps, the two most bothersome of all Accutane side effects are its potential to cause severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women or women that became pregnant while taking the drug and the suggested link between the intake of Accutane and the changes in mood, severe depression and suicidal thoughts.
Since, Isotretinoin can be harmful to the fetus, it should not be used during pregnancy and women should avoid pregnancy for at least a month after the use of Accutane. Additionally, because of its severe side effects, nursing mothers must avoid the drug completely.
Although researchers still argue whether Isotretinoin causes depression or not, Roche the manufacturer of Accutane, openly shares information claiming that Accutane and its generic, isotretinoin, can alter mood: "Synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, can negatively impact brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin."
The FDA website warns: "All patients treated with isotretinoin should be observed closely for symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts, such as sad mood, irritability, acting on dangerous impulses, anger, loss of pleasure ... mood disturbance, psychosis, or aggression."
Moreover, statistics show that between 1989 and 2003, there were 216 reported drug-linked suicides among U.S. teens younger than 18. Of these, 72 suicides were linked to Accutane (isotretinoin). The next highest number of suicides in that time period -- 55 -- involved Prozac (fluoxetine).
Accutane works by reducing the size and output of the sebaceous glands and thus stops excess oil production. The problem is that Accutane damages your skins sebum glands and liver function in the process. By the time you stop taking the drug, your skin oil glands will return to function but your liver will not be able to properly balance your hormones and prevent the over production of sebum.
Isotrteinoin also normalizes your keratinization (the shedding of dead skin cells), improves fat metabolism and reduces inflammation. But all of these benefits can be easily achieved using all natural dietary, supplementation and skin care alternatives and without the side effects. For example: Foods that are rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene can help reduce the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. Simple home made peels made of Papaya can easily replace the peeling action of Isotrerinoin and sleep optimization, and regular exercising including vitamin, C, E, Zinc and Colostrum can boost the immune abilities of the body and thus reduce inflammation.
Accutane is not the solution to acne. Not only does it treat the symptoms of the disease and not the internal cause, stopping your skin's natural oil production, can in most cases, result in extra dryness combined with the acceleration of the skin's aging process (yes! your skin will look older). Moreover, Accutane severely damages your liver function among other side effects, which in turn destroys your delicate inner balance and your natural healing abilities. Hence, it is doing the opposite of curing.
A long-term acne solution should address the internal cause of acne by tackling all acne contributing factors and neutralizing the acne environment - the only, safe, natural and effective way you could ever achieve lasting acne freedom.
Click here for acne no more!
Acne Diet Link Exposed: Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works?
Acne Diet and The Money Factor: You Can't Sell a Healthy Diet
Ask any medical doctor if there is a connection between diet and acne and almost all of them will claim there is none. Quoting from the Journal of the American Medical Association: "Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne".
With years of medical education and clinical experience behind these claims, how can we the simple folks who suffer from acne challenge these statements and think otherwise? The answer is: doubt. Doubt, if its stays in the borders of reason, can open many doors otherwise will stay forever shut. Believe it or not, doubt can change reality. Doubt can cure your acne and doubt can even save your life.
Fact is, countless of acne sufferers have reported that their acne seemed to get worse when they consumed certain foods and saw dramatic positive change over their acne condition when they eliminated the same foods from their diet and when certain foods with specific nutritional value were incorporated into their diet.
So why do dermatologists so stubbornly insist that diet does not cause acne? The answer: you can't make a profit promoting a healthy diet. At least not as much money as you could make by selling drugs and over the counters. There is a huge pressure upon doctors coming from the drug and pharmaceutical companies to prescribe expensive medications and lotions that create dependency. The truth is, that your doctor is in a way, a hostage by the trillion dollar drug companies. Did you know that the drug companies, who have no interest in producing something that they cannot control financially, sponsor most medical schools?
The right diet, although not a solution by itself, can, in many cases, dramatically reduce inflammation and even completely clear one's acne (if you're one of the lucky ones who's acne is triggered by allergic response to food). Promoting a clear skin diet simply means less profits for the drug and pharmaceutical companies.
The truth is that conventional medications will never cure your acne, simply because they are pre-designed NOT to fix the internal cause of acne. They are pre-designed to deal with the external symptoms of a disease as they create more and more dependency and more dependency means making more money all at our expense and ignorance.
The Theory That Diet Doesn’t Cause Acne Is A Myth
The dogmatic theory that diet does not cause acne and that acne is merely an incurable genetic disorder was based upon two dated researches published in 1969 and 1971 that were aimed at studying the connection between diet and acne.
These studies were the foundation of the ‘acne symptoms treatment strategy’, meaning, because acne is a genetic disease that cannot be prevented, the only way to deal with acne would be to tackle its symptoms (bacteria, inflammation, puss, redness, greasiness), by applying creams, antibiotics, taking prescription drugs and over the counters.
Surprisingly enough, years after the above studies were published, clinical trials and in depth researches experimenting the acne diet link have found that the studies from 1969 and 1971 had came to the wrong conclusions and were in fact seriously flawed.
Recent studies have clearly found a significant connection between diet and acne. It appears that the wrong diet is now thought to be one of the leading acne contributing factors that can negatively affect hormonal regulation and the natural process of toxic elimination, which can seriously aggravate one’s existing acne.
Diet Shapes Who You Are (Including Your Acne)
In the same way that crashing waves shape beach cliffs and just like the wind shapes the canyon walls, slowly and methodically over time, so does eating shapes and effects our physic, our internal system, our physical and mental being, from the organ down to the cellular level.
The idea that an object foreign to our body that is inserted by the food that we eat, has no effect on us, or has no impact on chronic conditions such as acne is absurd. Diet is the primary thing that affects and shapes who we are.
Diet has cumulative effect on our bodies, and that includes our skin condition and acne, which is a manifestation of a chronic internal problem slowly shaped and built by the wrong daily dietary choices over the years.
Acne Diet and The Kitavan Islanders
While in the U.S, more than 80% of teenagers between 16 and 18 have acne and more than 17 million Americans suffer from some form of acne, there is an interesting evidence that native people that live and eat in traditional ways, have significantly lower to no occurrences of acne.
In 2002, Dr. Cordain and his colleagues published a landmark study that examined 300 people living in the Kitavan Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea that showed that none of the islanders had even one blemish on his or her face. Similar to the Kitavans, no case of acne had been observed when the same experiment had been conducted upon the South American Indians called the Ache, living in a remote jungle in eastern Paraguay.
The natives of Kitavan and the South American Indians had no access to the latest over the counters, topical creams or conventional acne medications and they had no dermatologist to consult with. The only vast difference between them and American or European citizens is their diet.
Acne Diet and Sugar: The Sweet Poison
Aside from the fact that sugar is a 100% pure chemical with zero nutritional value, recent studies have clearly shown a connection between the consumption of sugar and the aggravation of acne.
When you consume any form of refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour, white rice) here's what happens: right after you insert that 'sweet poison' into your body, it rapidly spikes up your blood sugar levels. Your body needs to bring those levels down so it secrets a surge of insulin, other male hormones and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. The excretion of these hormones overwhelms your liver and your internal system in general. The excess of male hormones encourages the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum oil: The greasy substance that encourages the p.acne bacteria to grow, resulting in the aggravation of your acne.
Acne Diet and Dairy Products: Got Milk? Got Acne
If you thought sugar can aggravate your acne, here's another major nutritional player in the formation of acne: behold the miracles of milk. Milk (all dairy products included) is the most harmful, mucus forming, allergenic and acne aggravating food you can find. Surprised? I thought so. After years of constant brainwashing by the media, who can blame us for thinking milk is good for strong bones and healthy teeth? The truth is: every sip of milk contains 59 different raging hormones, (which trigger the hyper-production of sebum oil resulting in more acne), saturated animal fat, steroid hormones, dead white blood cells, and cow pus in abundance!
Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows 750 million pus cells in every liter of milk (about two pounds) produced in America? Think about it, the next time you pop a pimple.
Scientific studies already point the finger at milk as one of the worst acne aggravating foods: "As pointed out by Dr. Jerome Fisher, 'About 80 percent of cows that are giving milk are pregnant and are throwing off hormones continuously.' Progesterone breaks down into androgens, which have been implicated as a factor in the development of acne...Dr. Fisher observed that his teenage acne patients improved as soon as the milk drinking stopped."
If there's one element you should remove from your diet in the quest for clear skin make it this one. Not only will you see an immediate improvement over your acne, you'll feel a huge weight has been lifted from your body. If you worry about calcium intake, don’t! Milk being acidic forming food creates a leeching effect where calcium is taken from your bones to balance the acidity. Milk actually deprives your body from its calcium resources. Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are not only excellent sources of calcium they also have the powers to help you fight your acne symptoms.
Diet Is Only One of The Factors That Cause Acne
Dairy products and sugar are not the only acne aggravating foods. The two above cannot sum up the list of western made acne triggering foods. There are several other foods you should clearly stay away from if you ever wish to clear your acne. The good new is that there are tons of other foods such as essential fatty acids that are not only excellent for your skin, they can actually help you clear your acne, by re-balancing your body and promoting to an acne-free environment.
The right nutrition plays an important part in the complex process of acne formation. When doctors claim there is no link between diet and acne because certain individuals can eat specific foods and get acne while others eat the same foods and don't, these doctors have failed to realize that there are several factors involved in the formation and aggravation of acne and diet is only ONE of them.
The Final Verdict On The Acne Diet Connection: How To Finally Overcome Your Acne Challenge
Acne is a complex condition that is triggered by several underlying factors. The only way to neutralize your acne condition is to tackle all these acne-contributing factors-holistically. Since the wrong diet is only one of these acne-triggering factors, in most cases no special diet can cure acne.
There is a however, a tight connection between diet and acne formation. Dietary factors can trigger and aggravate your existing acne. Avoiding the wrong foods such as milk, sugar and hydrogenated oils, and eating cleansing and hormonal balancing foods such as green leafy vegetables and essential fatty acids, can help your skin heal itself from the inside out and dramatically reduce your acne symptoms.
There are also several important dietary principals that you must understand and follow if you ever want to cure your acne for good.
Taking responsibility over your body and adhering to these dietary principals along with taking the necessary steps to tackle all acne contributing factors, holistically, will not only cure your acne permanently and give you the flawless acne free skin you deserve, following these principals will also significantly improve your overall health, mental well-being, look and feel.
Click here for acne no more!
Tinnitus Miracle Book Review
Tinnitus Miracle is the #1 best selling tinnitus Cure ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason...
Thousands of men and women of almost every age have completely reversed any tinnitus issues they had and got rid of the ringing sounds in their ears naturally, without drugs, risky surgery or "magic potions" simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing Tinnitus guidebook.
Thomas Coleman, a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author has not just pumped out yet another "Tinnitus program" into an already over-saturated market. Thomas's Tinnitus Miracle can be more accurately described as an "Tinnitus Bible." It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to tinnitus freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other Tinnitus publications on the market?
Well first of all, it's not just a "tinnitus help" program, it's an tinnitus cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "help with your Tinnitus" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to get rid of the ringing sounds in your ears until now. Tinnitus Miracle shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's hindering your chances of getting rid of the tormenting sounds in your ears and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.
Secondly, what makes Tinnitus Miracle different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to get rid of the sounds in your ears the natural way. Tinnitus Miracle not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about Tinnitus and holistic health ever written.
The Tinnitus Miracle book is quite extensive (250 pages of rock solid content) which focuses on 100% natural method for getting rid of the sounds in your ears quickly. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs, white noise, or surgeries with nasty side effects. In Tinnitus Miracle core formula section (The 3 step system) - Nothing is held back. In this section, Thomas gives a detailed overview of each step, and then dives into the specifics in a perfect chronological order. There are also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program and follow it.
Because the Tinnitus Miracle program is not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of tinnitus problems(regardless of your age) and ensure your will get rid of the sounds in your ears quickly, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work" says Thomas, as he emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book.
If there is any drawback to the Tinnitus Miracle ebook, it's that it contains so much information, that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a quick start type of Tinnitus program, might be a bit intimated at first. The good part however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.
Who will benefit most from Tinnitus Miracle?
In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who wants to get rid of the sounds in their ears naturally and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Tinnitus Miracle. This ebook is honestly for everyone. Even people without tinnitus issues. This is a total health rejuvenation program better than 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.
In terms of graphic design, Tinnitus Miracle is a clean and professionally formatted PDF e-book. It is well organized and ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your own home.
This impressive and unique publication has changed many lives and the hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories are found on the Tinnitus Miracle website archives as proof.
The Bottom line?
Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to getting rid of the sounds in their ears, anyone looking to be told fairy-tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", pills, over the counters, 'cure tinnitus in 2 weeks' hyped up programs should not waste his or her time with Tinnitus Miracle.
On the other hand, anyone searching for the truth about Tinnitus and alternative health and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to get rid of the sounds in their ears fast will find Tinnitus Miracle to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. Click here to learn more about Thomas Coleman's Tinnitus Miracle.
What Causes Tinnitus?
First the good news - we know what causes tinnitus. And now the bad news - conventional medical science cannot cure it. Not permanently at least. Sure enough, your doctor would suggest a few remedies, and it may seem to you that the noises you hear are going down. As a result, you begin to relax believing that a pesky problem has been resolved. But suddenly the sounds return again. This is a very common problem actually.
So let us turn to the causes instead, and see whether we can try to solve the issue from this end.
Here Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Tinnitus
Exposure to noise - Did your mom always tell you in your younger days to turn down the volume? She was right. Exposure to loud noise can give you tinnitus. In fact, rock musicians, and those who work with them, or in night clubs often have it. Those who work in construction sites also have tinnitus. So turn down that volume while you still can.
You could begin to hear all kinds of noises if you have been exposed to just a single high-pitched noise. Or it could be due to a continuous attack of loud noises close to your ear.
This is what happens.
Prolonged exposure to noise can damage the Cochlea and cause tinnitus. So if you cannot simply stay away from all that noise, at least get some protection. Use an ear plug when you can.
Head injury - Take care of your head because a severe blow or a slight bang could make you hear the tinnitus noises. The head is of course one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. But some people cannot live without an injury, such as those who are into sports - boxers and football players. That's why athletes are more prone to a tinnitus attack. Even a dental surgery could make you hear them.
Ear infections and other ear problems - An ear infection, and even sinus can lead to tinnitus as well. When there is an allergy or a sinus infection, the mucous thickens within the inner ear, and this causes more pressure. The extra pressure can lead to tinnitus. Meniere's disease, where the fluid level goes up inside the middle ear is another reason. It could even cause hearing loss.
Prescription medications - Conventional drugs often cause side effects, and tinnitus is one of them. Actually, all kinds of drugs have been blamed for instigating this condition. Such as antibiotics like Aminoglycosides, Erythromycin and Vancomycin, Aspirin or medicines containing it. Anti inflammatory drugs like Advil, Aleve, Anaprox, Clinoril, Feldene, Indocin, Lodine and Motrin have also been blamed. Sometimes people heard noises after taking chemotherapy agents such as Cisplatin, Nitrogen Mustard and Vincristine. And some others have even blamed quinine and loop diuretics for this.
Stress - You must already know that excessive stress is not good for your health. It could result in all kinds of medical problems, and some of them can also be fatal. Stress can cause tinnitus too. A lot of it is damaging for your immunity, and this can lead to a misfire in the sound/brain waves. This adversely affects your nervous system, and makes you hear the noises.
Depression - Some people believe that depression causes tinnitus. And there are those who say that tinnitus causes depression. But most of them agree that there is a relation between these two. And anyway, if your tinnitus is bothering you endlessly, it can make you depressed. Naturally this will further complicate matters.
Take on these causes to achieve a permanent relief from tinnitus. Just tackling the symptoms will never work. After all, if the causes remain, the symptoms are bound to return.
The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.
This article is based on the book, "Tinnitus Miracle" by Thomas Coleman. Thomas is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Tinnitus solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of ear ringing and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Click here to learn more...
What Is Tinnitus?
Let us try to see whether you actually heard these noises or not, and if you did, where did they come from. Now before anything, let us get this straight - yes, you actually heard those noises. No, they are not a result of a creative mind that imagined things in slumber. But having said that, it is also true that there is indeed no source of the sounds you heard. So what is it? Confused?
This is a classic case of tinnitus.
What is tinnitus?
What you experienced last night (or did you just get up from sleep and switch on the computer) is a classic case of tinnitus. This is a medical condition wherein a person hears all kinds of strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds within the ear. What's so worrisome about this condition for a lot of people is that, there's actually no physical source of these sounds. What makes it even worse is that, no one else seems to hear them. Frankly, these people cannot be really blamed. Naturally, if you cannot see where the sound is coming from, and if you keep hearing it, you are bound to get worried.
In tinnitus, the sounds a person hears are actually perceptions. Since there's no actual source, they are often referred to as "phantom noises". Will it help you if you knew that about 8% of all people in the US suffer from tinnitus? Perhaps not, but at least now you know that you are not alone who hears these strange noises.
What Causes These Noises?
Of course you will want to know why you are hearing these noises. But even before you find this out, you should know that tinnitus is actually not a disease. It is actually a symptom of a problem that is rooted deep, somewhere within your body.
The problem could be a simple one like an infection in the ear, or even simpler, such as ear wax. Just clear the wax and get the infection treated, and the noises could go away. In some people, it could even be the result of a side-effect of a drug they took. Or it could be more complicated.
Some people will have tinnitus because their Cochlea is damaged. And in a few, it could be caused due to hearing loss. But of course, the most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. The noise can be a sudden burst, or it could be a constant banging that hits the ear drum and travels inside. If they are abusing their ears by making it a point to stay close to such a racket, they will definitely have to pay a price. What's this price - it is tinnitus.
Of course, the noises of tinnitus are not heard only during the night. You could hear them during the day too. But it definitely seems to become worse in the night. In a few people, the noises come and go as they please. And there are others who hear them all the time.
Treating Tinnitus
It is almost impossible to live with tinnitus but you don't have to. If you are hearing the noises, whether all the time or intermittently, you must seek treatment immediately. But sadly, conventional treatments only treat the symptoms of tinnitus and may provide temporary relief at best. Sure enough, the sounds are going to come back.
The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.
This article is based on the book, "Tinnitus Miracle" by Thomas Coleman. Thomas is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Tinnitus solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of ear ringing and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more...
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Conquer Arthritis Now - Product Review
Arthritis cannot be cured, but the pain of arthritis can. That’s why Conquer Arthritis Now focuses on easy, affordable ‘lifestyle management’ techniques that anyone can use to end pain and prevent it from coming back.
Citing the most up-to-date, cutting-edge medical research, Conquer Arthritis Now is an invaluable resource that
- Lays out comprehensive information on the various types of arthritis from the most such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis to the more unusual including gout, fibromyalgia, and ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis of the spine)
- Details traditional medical treatment options and presents the facts about the risks associated with surgery, steroid injections, and visco-supplementation
- Explores 25 proven natural healing techniques that target arthritis pain at its source
Conquer Arthritis Now combines expert research information with first-hand experience. It was written after the author’s best friend was stricken by osteoarthritis and told that medicine had little more to offer than a lifetime of medication and surgery. Unwilling to accept the ‘nothing can be done’ diagnosis that his friend was given, Callahan dedicated himself to a fact-finding mission to uncover any information he could about treatment options.
What he found was that the profit motive at the heart of traditional medicine had put a stranglehold on information about life-changing techniques that are safe, low in cost, and highly successful. So while many books have been written on this topic, most take a myopic view of arthritis pain. They focus exclusively on the traditional approaches to pain relief.
Conquer Arthritis Now takes a broader view of health and healing, tapping into a global network of knowledge and research, to focus on ‘what works’ rather than ‘common practice.’
For many people, the dream of ending arthritis pain has remained elusive. With nowhere to turn but pills and operating rooms, they have learned to live with their pain, cutting back on activities and giving up the things they love to do from playing sports to simply holding hands with a loved one. But now, thanks to the determination and hard work of Chris Callahan and the tens of thousands of alternative health professionals around the world, the dream of pain-free living has become a reality.
With Conquer Arthritis Now, you can start to be active again and stay active longer. You’ll be amazed and then thrilled when you read what Chris has to say about the easy things you can do to completely turn your life around and get rid of your arthritis pain using the effective age-old methods that modern medicine is finally waking up to. These are natural health-promoting therapies that have been proven to stop the progression of arthritis and encourage regeneration and recovery.
Conquer Arthritis Now is filled to overflowing with new groundbreaking medical research, fascinating case studies, and inspiring personal success stories. If you are serious about beating arthritis pain once and for all, you need this book.
After you read it, you won’t be able to help yourself from telling everyone you know about Chris’ remarkable discoveries...and how they led to your own amazing success story. That’s part of Chris’ plan: to create a worldwide network of happy, healthy people who can say...
“I have arthritis, but I don’t have pain.’
Click here to let Chris Callahan show you the better way...
The Thief Called Arthritis
If you’re like a lot of people who have been posting lately, arthritis pain is really bugging you. It’s the worst, isn’t it? Arthritis is a disease that keeps you from doing most of the things you want to do and pretty much sucks the pleasure out of even the things you can do.
I don’t just think of arthritis as a disease; it’s a thief. Arthritis has robbed the world of some of its greatest geniuses.
The painter Renoir had rheumatoid arthritis! As the disease progressed, however, he was unable to hold the brush without tying it to his wrist. And Dr. Christian Barnard, the world's first successful heart transplant surgeon, was forced to retire in 1983 because of the arthritis pain in his hands.
Imagine how many masterpieces or how many lives could have been saved if these geniuses hadn’t been crippled by pain.
And I wonder what YOU could would be doing to make our world better (and your life better) if you didn’t have to spend your days in pain, wishing there was something you could do to make it stop.
Sadly, traditional arthritis treatments have focused on ‘curing’ arthritis. And as you probably already know, this is a disease that can’t be cured. But you may not realize that even if you have arthritis, the pain of arthritis CAN be stopped.
How do I know this? Because of Chris Callahan. He’s an anti-arthritis crusader and a new ‘friend’ of this blog. I’ll tell you more about him in a minute.
They say that misery loves company, and if you suffer from arthritis, you’re in very good company. Actresses Kathleen Turner and Aida Tuturro (from the Sopranos) and basketball great Shaquille O’Neal and Olympic skating princess Dorothy Hamill all suffer from arthritis pain.
I guess when Hollywood and sports superstars start complaining; the news media sits up and take notice. And perhaps that’s why I’ve been seeing a lot more about arthritis pain in the news, lately.
What I find strange is this: the one thing I haven’t seen in the media is any ‘good news’ about arthritis pain. And that’s a pity, because there are dozens of things you can do to fight back against the ouches, twinges, and discomfort of arthritis. These are safe, natural treatments being used worldwide, but (in my opinion) the profit motive of the big pharmaceutical industries has made it difficult for this information to be shared.
That’s where Chris comes in. Chris started out in the field of medical sales, but his real passion is good health through lifestyle management. When a friend was diagnosed with arthritis, Chris went on a ‘mission question’ to find whether better, safer options for pain management existed.
What he found was something better. After extensive research into worldwide clinical trials and research studies, Chris found more than two dozen ways to address arthritis pain...and banish it.
These alternative cures may not get a lot of media coverage, but they’re helping people all over the globe stop their arthritis suffering.
One of the things I like best about having a blog is that it lets ME let YOU know about important advancements in health and wellness that can improve your life. So here’s the ‘good news’ I want to share with you today on this blog:
No matter what type of arthritis you have, you CAN find lasting relief from your pain.
Accept Insanity as is, Deal with Challenges to Quit Porn Addiction
There is a music troup named ‘Secret Garden’. I used to like their songs in the past, I loved them, good music.
You maybe wondering why I talk about music here.
I am not talking about music. I am talking about the very thing ‘Secret Garden’. Its a wonderful thing and humans are fascinated by it all the time. How wonderful ‘Secret Garden’ can be. Without any stress, without any pain, without any hassle, just relax in the garden with absolutely no disturbance. Life in ‘Secret Garden’ will be awesome. This is the concept of very heaven. Heaven is picturised as a garden. Garden without any troubles, worries, needs, responsibilities… only provide joy and joy and joy…
But what is the world we now live in?
Is this a secret garden? Or the opposite of it?
Unfortunately the world we live in is not a secret garden, Simply its not.
Here you see people with filth, greed, envy, back-stab… all the COOL things are here. I am not telling everybody are like this, but there are quite good percentage of people who dont mind hurting others, a good number of people who are just mad so they give sorrow to others, there are terrorists, racists… all kinds of people.
So secret garden is not possible in this world. But many does not accept this reality. What they need is secret garden, and of-course they have a secret garden, the ‘Porn room’. Just provide joy, joy and joy…
Porn addicts are addicted to comfort too. They’ll never go out from their comfort zones, they avoid people who are a little challenging to them. A little uncomfortable to them… they do the work as boss say and go to home immediately after the work and stick the head into porn. They just don't take challenges, because challenges are not secret garden.
In ‘Porn room’, nobody come to disturb them. They are just in ecstacy in that secret garden, and what they need is repetition. Humans tend to like joy and avoid sorrow. All the time they like to stay in secret garden than going out to see the hell. By and by the person lose interest to go to work, lose competitiveness. Even ability to do normal things other people do, they just love their secret garden more and more.
The secret garden actually ruin their lives slowly until they start losing valuable things by it. Each day pass, they dig into it more. More into porn room, Making hard to climb up. Hard to quit porn addiction.
To overcome this, one should understand a fact, “Secret garden is just not possible in this present reality. Whatever one is, One must learn to deal with insanity”.
Yes. Life contain lots of things you may not like, whoever you are (President or beggar), you should learn to deal with it, there is no escape.
Don’t avoid the problems, don't even think about avoiding problems, but learn to deal with it. deal it in its best possible way. Each time you deal with a problem, you get strong. You should make this as a habit, deal with problems and solve it. Solve it ‘for the good of all’. Not just for you. Take time, work hard, solve your problems one by one, as life goes;you get more and more problems, you solve more and more problems, you become stronger and stronger. This give you certain joy, overcoming challenges give you certain joy. Enjoy it and grow up.
Accept the way world is. To live in this world, you should be a master of dealing with insanity, Insanity come to you, you make it sane. At least you’ll make sure you don't get insane by it.
It needs great strength of character. Build it.
Its much wiser than ‘Secret Garden’. It increase your value with time.
So from now onwards, instead of going to your own ‘Secret Garden’, think about meeting a challenge. By and by you become strong.
Life will be different when become strong.
Find out how to quit porn for sure!
The Golden Future
You maybe wondering about a life without porn. How sad would life be? If porn is the only thing that makes us happy, how can we live without it? By the end of the day, what we need is simply happiness and enjoyment.
Then why quit porn? In this boring life, the only thing that seems to be even a little bit exciting is porn. So, then, why should I quit it? Even if I quit, what is the alternative? What could possibly give as much joy as porn gives?
If I quit porn, what will my life be like? Does life get any better? Or will it be more boring than my current life?
The majority of porn addicts probably ask questions like these.
So, what would life be like without porn?
Life is a very beautiful experience; and there is always something vivid and new to discover. “New” is never ending. Unfortunately, however, only a few will ever experience it. Porn shows only a fraction of that joy, real life is much more potent. However, some people cannot find access to the real world.
Only courageous people can experience life and its “newness”. If one constantly experiences fresh, “new” things, then they will rarely be bored. Life will become an amazing journey, filled with many wonders, and many experiences. Life can become dazzling if one can fully experience the world. One will be grateful at the chance to experience the wonderful things this world contains.
You can tell when someone is living life to the fullest, it shows in their eyes.
However, if you observe, you can see that the majority of people lack this spark in their eyes. Looking at some people, you may think things like, “This guy just wants to die”. If you look at people closely, you see people who are angry at the world; they feel resentment and hatred towards the very earth they walk on. They may not admit this consciously, but unconsciously they are living in a hypothetical hell. You can learn all this just from the look in their eyes.
I have observed people who show these kinds of extreme, opposing traits. The major difference I found is nothing but the courage. Of course there are issues such as intelligence, patience, and what not, all which make a difference, but the main reason I found is nothing but courage.
Courage is not a thing that would make one run down to the street and challenge everyone there, actually, courage is nothing but positive trust towards oneself. Attaining trust is never easy, and requires wisdom. One must realize this and take actions accordingly.
One must try to eliminate negativity and trust on a positive level. As you become more and more positive, your trust level and courage will increase. Courage brings new opportunities to life, new wonders to life, and if you make courage a habit, life will become golden.
If life is golden, then porn will become completely insignificant.
Click here to find out how to quit porn for sure!
Pornography and Three Kinds of Joy
The main internal argument porn addict get when thinking about quitting porn is about its alternatives, or about losing the pleasures porn gives.
Why quit porn? Why quit this joy? Many porn addicts ask these questions to themselves.
I have discussed about it when I am discussing dangers of porn addiction. This is the continuation of that discussion.
So as you and I know, a person watches porn to enjoy. What’s wrong with it?
Before I discuss about it, let me tell you three kinds of enjoyment.
Three kinds of joy
Enjoyment can be classified into three broad categories.
1) Joy of Sensual pleasure
2) Joy of Success
3) Joy of Sharing/Love
Joy of sensual pleasure
This is like eating ice cream, when we eat ice cream, our mouth get great sensations from the substances in the ice cream which bring us pleasure. So for that pleasure we eat ice creams again and again. We watch porn for the same reason; it gives us sensations and pleasure.
This is one kind of enjoyment life brings to us. We can enjoy like this.
What is wrong in this kind of enjoyment?
Answer is simple. Kids who eat lot of ice creams become obese and lose pocket money only for ice creams. People who watch porn lose a lot of time and energy on porn. So he’ll not have enough energy left to grow in life.
This is a kind of enjoyment everyone can have, only requirement is money or time. With money, anything can be purchased, and with time, any amount of TV or porn can be watched.
This is the basic level of joy.
Joy of success
This is the next level of joy.
Remember the moments when you know you passed the exams? Remember the moments when you got something after lot of hard work.
Success is a great enjoyment.
But as you and I know, this enjoyment comes after lot of hard-work/sufferings.
Only people who are willing to work hard gain this level of pleasure. Only people who work hard to climb by taking the pain on each step reach to the top and enjoy the pleasures of getting on top.
Many people do not access this enjoyment. Because Climbing is tough, descending is easy.
Joy of sharing/Love
This is the third level of enjoyment.
Many people do not even ‘understand’ this. Because they are struck at the first two levels, they don’t got a chance to experience the joy of fulfillment.
Sharing is joy. But only few people have access to it.
I’ll discuss this joy in another article, because this is a large topic.
In which level you belong?
The next question is the significant question.
Which kind of joy you experience?
If you choose to watch porn to enjoy, you belong to the people in the first level of enjoyment.
First level of enjoyment, which is sensual pleasures, is the main barrier one should overcome to LIVE LIFE IN ITS FULLEST.
Just see a dog, if the dog gets all the food it asks, how the shape of the dog will be?
The same is true with humans. Your capacity and competence to ‘LIVE LIFE’ will be greatly affected if you give lot of porn or sensual enjoyments to yourself.
So porn is not a good enjoyment at all. It’s basic. And staying in ‘basic’ is not growth.
Try to experience the second level of enjoyment, and then the third. Once you start experiencing the second level and third level of joys, you’ll realize the real worth of your life, and the true joy of living.
If you understand the other two joys, porn just become irrelevant to you.
So please, Think, understand, Grow.
Click here to find out how to quit porn for sure!
Why Porn Fascinates You?
Lot of people support porn, they know from inside that porn does harm in their lives, but they don’t oppose porn and they don’t like the people who oppose porn. Why?
Why they support porn?
Because porn gives something to them. Porn satisfies them, Porn relieves them, Porn gives happiness to them. So naturally they support porn, they need the happiness porn gives, for this happiness, they are ready to suffer, whatever damage porn make in their lives, they watch porn again and again.
Porn is the greatest need for them, why?
The answer lies in lot of factors; I discuss the main things here.
1. Repressed emotions.
2. Stress in daily life.
3. Unfulfilled need for affection.
4. Pessimism and lack of hope
Repressed emotions
To experience life properly, one needs tremendous freedom, with freedom one enjoys, and all of us want to enjoy, nobody wants sorrow.
But in social living, one has to live in certain patterns, and there is no escape from it. In childhood, one has to go to school, as you and I know, many children hate it. In adulthood, one has to go to a job, most adults hate their jobs.
Society compels us to live in certain patterns. We can’t blame society for that, because this is necessary for society to function well (until we figure out a better system). We have to repress ourselves to follow these patterns. Daily we do this. Repression, I am not talking about all people, there are few people who enjoy their work, truly enjoyed their school days etc, but for many, going to work in the morning is not amazingly thrilling, many hate it, they hate it for lot of reasons, but they have to go to work, they do things they don’t like, they repress.
These repressed feelings create tension inside which we may not aware consciously, one has to release this accumulated tension to be free and easy. Many people don’t know the good ways to release it; they haven’t developed necessary skills to release these tensions. To release these tensions, they need a way.
There porn becomes friend. Porn gives great help to release the tension by letting them feel the ‘feel good chemicals’ which is produced in the body while watching porn. Or the sensations female bodies produce in their heads. They find what they needs. Release.
This repressed emotion is the main reason behind bizarre rough porn. The people who repress more tend to like rough and bizarre porn. Seeing someone suffer makes them happy, this is because of the suffering they carry themselves. They want to see more people in suffering which let them feel good of themselves.
Stress in Daily life
As I told earlier, a few enjoy their job, most are compelled. Compelled for for actions in their lives. Compulsion creates stress, and stress creates anger and negative thoughts. Anger and negative thoughts effects their relationship to another. Damages in relationships makes one isolated, isolation blocks the ways of constructive stress releases.
So one moves to destructive ways to release stress. They go to things like drugs and porn.
Usually porn addicts get stressed more because of their underdeveloped social skills to relate with others, relating with others and being in compassion is essential for anybody to effectively release the stress, so lack of social skills multiplies one’s stress levels.
To relieve stress, one is going back to porn.
Unfulfilled need for affection
Mostly porn addicts are the kind of people who don’t posses great skills to attract and keep a girlfriend of their choice and achieve their affection and love. Girls like heroes. Many of us are not heroes. So we don’t get what we needs, affection. This lack of affections creates tension and sorrow.
Here also we depend on porn.
Pessimism and lack of hope
Did you observe pessimists? Observe… if you are a pessimist, then it’s easy. You can observe yourself. Pessimists carry great stress in themselves, because of their lack of trust to anybody or anything; they have to take care of everything themselves. Lot of things in head. Always being in great stress.
Pessimists carry lot more stress in themselves than average man. To release this stress, most depend on porn.
These are the main reasons which make porn fascinating. Understanding the deep reasons behind the need of porn help you to quit porn more effectively.
I’ll be grateful if this post help you to quit porn and negativity.
Find out how to quit porn for sure!
Why Porn Addiction Is Dangerous: Part 2
Sex is one of our basic needs, and everybody wants it. Can you find a single person who doesn’t want sex?
Of course, there are few people like yogis, celibates, and asexuals who claim/feel that they don’t need sex. They are above sex, or sex does not affect them. I am not talking about those people now.
I am discussing average people, like you and me, who need sex and who enjoy watching nude bodies. It’s natural to humans, and humans enjoy it. Humans like sex, and sex is a basic physical and psychological need. Nearly everybody enjoys sex.
If this is true, then why should I oppose porn?
This is a good question.
I oppose porn because porn is nothing but simulated pleasure. Porn stimulates our senses to provide continuous sensual pleasure to a superlative degree. Porn is not truly sex, even if it fulfills our sexual needs, it’s just prolonged visual and mental stimulation. Experiencing this visual stimulation and pleasure for prolonged time creates lot of damages, both physical and psychological.
One of the examples of physical damage is “brain damage”, which I discussed in a previous article.
Another example of psychological damage is isolation. A porn addict gets pleasure from porn, and thus they figure they do not need pleasure from outside, and as such they avoid others and the outside world. Living in isolation for a prolonged time creates psychological problems.
Some people oppose porn by labelling it as a sin. I don’t do that. I don’t know whether porn is sin or not. But, I know one thing for sure. It’s not good, and it deteriorates the quality of our lives. It becomes a sort of silent enemy which prevents us from experiencing life in it’s true sense. In long run, living without porn is much rewarding than living with porn.
Another reason why I oppose porn is because of the damages it causes to vital urges of an individual.
Human vital urges and pornography
According to psychology, a person has two vital urges. One is survival, and the other is sex. Everybody is naturally driven towards survival and sex, and these two are mutually related.
If one gives more importance to sex, and spends more time devoted to it, his drive towards survival decreases. That’s why hedonistic people achieve less (in terms of money and security, hardworking people achieve more than hedonistic people).
To secure life, or to obtain money and resources for a secured life, one should have natural drive to obtain it. Otherwise, one will become too lazy to work hard. Anything which distorts the natural drive for survival will cost a lot to an individual in long run.
Porn distorts the urge for survival and security because it enhances the other drive, sex. Porn makes porn addicts forget about their survival urges by keeping them engaged with sexual happiness. Porn provides a way to escape from urges which require more effort, perseverance, and patience. Slowly, the “brain wiring” of the porn addict changes, and they permanently loses their natural drives pertaining to survival.
Passion and pornography
Porn also distorts an individual’s natural passion towards life. This is yet another serious damage caused by porn.
Sex gives us pleasure, and anything which gives us pleasure has an innate ability to deviate our attention from the things which are important, and also an innate ability to make us lazy. In addition, anything which gives pleasure has an innate ability to make us addicted to it.
An individual loses focus on the important things in life when they become addicted.
Each and every individual has a deep, innate “passion” for their fulfillment, which contributes to their “purpose of life”. Porn deviates these innate passions towards the sexual side, which is the other basic vital urge.
The porn industry always comes up with newer things (new actors/actresses or new bizarre acts) to keep porn addicts passionate and engaged in it.
For majority of porn addicts, porn gives more than a partner gives. Porn scenes show more than what can be performed with real spouses, and porn producers continue to produce it.
As humans, we all have passions. Passions are our vital urge. These passions motivate us to live. We need passions to live. Porn fulfills this need by giving “edgy acts”. Porn always shows us adventure, which fulfills our passions, but in a distorted way.
Porn makes us forget our other vital urges, which is our urge for survival and fulfillment. It distorts our basic “brain wiring”.
I suggest that you meditate about this and find your vital urges and passions, and keep your passions alive. Keeping your passion alive keeps-you-alive, “Truly alive”.
Click here to quit porn for sure!